why is the core of the earth so hot..? 

The core of the Earth is made up primary of iron and Nickel. Outside the core is another layer called the mantle, and above their is this thin-layer we live on, the crust. The very center of the core is probably solid and the outer part is probably a very dense liquid the source of heat at the earth Center results from the tremendous pressure of compression and natural radioactivity.

When the earth formed from a mass of space debris, it coalesced into a sphere. The great heat caused by the earth compression caused the iron to melt and sink to the center forming the core.As the earth eventually cooled over billions of years, various materials hardened at different distances from the core, thus forming the stratified layer of the earth that exist today.The temperature at the center of the Earth is known to be around 13000 degrees Fahrenheit, which would be hotter than the surface of the Sun.

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