Here are the Reasons Why You Should Sleep On Your Left Side

Reasons Why You Should Sleep On Your Left Side

Is It Bad To Sleep On Your Right Side?

You might have heard elders saying “sleep on your left side” do you know the real reason behind it?

Everyone has a unique style of sleeping. Some people sleep left, some right, some back and some people roll all over the bed. Studies show that Humans sleep one-third of their lives. 

it is recommended every adult get seven to eight hours of sleep per night, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

Sleep is a state of recharging and boosting your  mind and body. There is a reduced muscle activity while we are sleeping. 80% of the Population suffers with back pain problems caused by the way they sleep. 

80% of the Population suffers with back pain problems caused by the way they sleep.

But What is the best sleeping position? Which side is best to sleep? The best sleeping position for back pain?

We Will Be Telling You, The Best Position For A Proper and Healthy Sleep.
The Best Position For A Proper and Healthy Sleep.

During sleep, your body is digesting dinner & at the same time your brain is filing memories, and recharging your batteries and also taking in oxygen and circulating blood.
It is always good to sleep in a way that does not affect spine(back pain), digestion, blood circulation..etc.

There is no rule that you have to sleep only one side.Sleeping on your Left side have numerous benefits.
 so it is up to you to decode your current sleeping position and have a good night sleep.

Sleeping on the right side can worsen heartburn

But according to the research done Sleeping on the right side can worsen heartburn. However, sleeping on the left side can put a strain on internal organs like the liver, lungs, and stomach, but also while reducing acid reflux.
Studies show acid reflux is worse when people lie on their right side. This is the reason why Pregnant women are advised to sleep on their left side, to help circulation and blood flow to the placenta. 

So what is the right position to sleep? The best position to sleep at night?

 If you ask me I recommend you that God created us in a natural way that our body adjusts itself the way it needs to be. You Pretty much don’t know yourself the way you sleep at night unless you record your sleep using Camera.

During sleep sometimes you may move to right then left then back and so on. You are shifting positions because your brain is adjusting your body to much comfort pose.  So do not worry about your sleeping position if you are healthy. Be freely and enjoy your sleep.
But if you are suffering from back pain, improper digestion & blood circulation problem then it is recommended to sleep on your Left Side.

Reasons Why You Should Sleep On Your Left Side:

Make a new habit of sleeping on your left side. It will reduce  heartburn, boosts digestion, stimulates the drainage of toxins from the lymph nods, improves circulation, and helps your brain filter out waste.

  • Improves Digestion

Sleeping on your Left side can improve your digestion system.
If you are suffering from improper digestion then you should try sleeping on your left side.
Studies show acid reflux is worse when people lie on their right side. Pregnant women are advised to sleep on their left side, to help circulation and blood flow to the placenta.

Sleeping on your Left side can improve your digestion system.

  • Improves Blood Circulation

Studies show that sleeping on your left side helps to improve your blood circulation. As when you sleep on your left side, you let gravity help the heart move blood. Which means the heart has less work to get that blood moving  from heart to rest of the body.

sleeping on your left side helps to improve your blood circulation.

  • Less Heartburn

Scientists have found that sleeping on your left side can minimize heartburn while sleeping on the right can cause it to flare up.
Do you know that, the junction of stomach and esophagus is kept higher than the level of stomach acid, When we lay on our left side.

  • Relieves Back Pain

Sometimes we woke up with bad Back Pain. And it makes our mood negative at early mornings. It is because you slept in some odd position and caused a strain in the back or neck?
Scientists found that sleeping on your left side relives Back pain. left-side sleeping relieves stress on the spine. Sleep on your left to lower back pain while sleeping and it is also the best sleeping position for neck pain.

sleeping on your left side relives Back pain.

  • Stimulates The Drainage Of Toxins From The Lymph Nods

Sleeping on the left side of the body helps the lymphatic system filter out waste. The lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph plays a key role in moving fluid throughout the body. It also helps our immune function. Lymph can carry away toxins and other waste products, so a blockage anywhere in the system is associated with poor health.

  • Improves Blood Circulation For Pregnant Women

Studies have shown that sleeping on your left can improve the blood circulation in Pregnant women.
Pregnant women has to supply blood to the growing infant also. A  growing infant puts pressure on the spine and other organs. Lying on the left keeps circulation flowing freely and takes the pressure of the baby off of mom’s spine, plus protects the liver from being squeezed too much.
lying on left side provides the best blood flow for both bodies.

sleeping on your left can improve the blood circulation in Pregnant women.

(Useful information;
Note- According to vastu it is not at all good to keep head in North while sleeping. It is believed that only dead body’s head is kept North direction. and if a person (he/she) sleeps in this position it brings sickness and badluck.)

Please do comment what is your sleeping pose?

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