Get Rid Of Acne Naturally By Eating These Foods At Home

Get Rid Of Acne Naturally By Eating These Foods At Home

Acne also called as Pimples are common for almost everyone. Everyone gets acne at some point of time. It is a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles plug with oil and dead skin cells.

Acne occurs when sebaceous (oil) glands attached to the hair follicles are stimulated at the time of puberty or due to other hormonal changes.

Most of the teenagers face this problem because during Puberty, change in hormone levels tends to increase the amount of oil production.

Hormonal imbalance can also cause due to improper diet. It is sure there are medicines to cure this problem but with some side effects. 
Most of the teenagers face this problem during Puberty

So why not try curing acne naturally by just eating & treating with these foods?



Avoid meat that contains hormones and similar substances which could throw your hormones out of balance, causing acne. Instead, eat plenty of fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits. Foods rich in vitamin A, C, E, and zinc can help reduce the severity of acne through the nutrients’ anti-inflammatory properties. Some good sources of these vitamins include: Sweet red peppers, Kale, Spinach,Amaranth Leaves, Turnip Greens, Sweet Potato (Yams), Pumpkin, Butternut,Squash, Mangoes, Grapefruit, Cantaloupe

Zinc is a mineral which boosts our immune system. It also helps in curing skin related problems. Zinc regulates metabolism and hormone levels in human body.
Increasing zinc intake to 40 mg/day has been shown to help even severe acne cases. Eat pumpkin seeds and cashews, beef and turkey, quinoa and lentils, and seafood to boost zinc levels.

Zinc is a mineral which boosts our immune system

Vitamin A:
Low levels intake of vitamin A is also a reason to cause acne. Try intake of vitamin A in your diet. Vitamin A also helps to improve eye sight, stops headace, fights cancer. Recommend not to take vitamin A medicines, but eat foods like liver (including cod), oily fish, and a whole host of cheeses (most of them stinky), try eggs, sweet potatoes and winter squash.

Vitamin A rich foods

Vitamin C:
Vitamin C can improve the rate of healing. It does this in part by helping to make collagen, an important protein used to repair skin tissue, cartilage, blood vessels and heal wounds. You can take 2 to 3 doses of Vitamin C for a total of 500 mg a day. You can also add vitamin C-rich foods to your daily diet. Good natural sources of vitamin C are: Sweet red or green peppers, Citrus fruit such as oranges, pomelo, grapefruit, limes or non-concentrated citrus juices. Spinach, broccoli and brussel sprouts, Strawberries and raspberries, Tomatoes.

Vitamin c rich foods

Drink green Tea:
Drinking green tea is not directly linked with preventing acne. But, it contains many antioxidants that show anti-aging effects and protect the skin. These can help your skin look fresher and younger. To make green tea, steep 2-3 g of green tea leaves in one cup of warm water (80-85°C) for 3–5 minutes. Green tea can be taken two to three times daily.
Green tea may also have anti-inflammatory effects that reduce the risk of cancer. Some research shows that green tea is especially useful in protecting skin from harmful UV radiation

Drink green Tea

Apply aloe vera gel:
Daily apply aloe vera gel liberally over your skin. You can find it at most drug stores. Aloe vera is a succulent plant with antibacterial properties that are effective in treating acne and reducing inflammation. It prevents bacteria from infecting acne wounds and speeds up the healing process.
Some people may be allergic to aloe. If a rash develops, stop using it and speak with your healthcare provider.

Apply aloe vera gel

Apply Honey:
Studies have found applying antioxidants to the skin is more effective at reducing acne
Try a honey mask. Apply a thin layer of honey every day or so, leave on for 15 minutes, and rinse it off with warm water.

Apply Honey

Take a Fish Oil Supplement
Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly healthy fats that offer a multitude of health benefits. Fish oils contain two main types of omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA benefits the skin in several ways, including managing oil production, maintaining adequate hydration and preventing acne. High levels of EPA and DHA have been shown to decrease inflammatory factors, which may reduce the risk of acne. In one study, 45 individuals with acne were given omega-3 fatty acid supplements containing both EPA and DHA daily. After 10 weeks, acne decreased significantly. There is no specific recommended daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids, but most health organizations recommend healthy adults consume a minimum of 250–500 mg of combined EPA and DHA daily. You can also get omega-3 fatty acids by eating salmon, sardines, anchovies, walnuts, chia seeds and ground flaxseeds.

Fish Oil Supplement

Acne is a common problem with a number of underlying causes. However, conventional treatments can cause dryness, redness and irritation.
Fortunately, many natural remedies can also be effective. The home remedies listed in this article may not work for everyone, but they just might be worth a try. 
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