Are you aware of The Julian & Gregorian Calendar..?

The Gregorian Calendar:

Are you aware of The Gregorian Calendar..? Which calendar are you using...? Lets dive into this article to know the facts about the Gregorian calendar.

Things you should know about the Gregorian calendar:

The Gregorian Calendar is an important milestone it was introduced in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII and it obviously replaced the Julian calendar which has been the official calendar of Europe since it was introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 before the birth of Christ. But the Julian calendar had an error. The length of the Julian year was exactly 365. 25 days however the actual time it takes for the earth to go around the sun once is closer to 365. 2425 days or about 365 days 5 hours and 49 minutes. This difference is about 11 minutes each year. In order to correct this, the calendar was moved forward  to 10 days in 1582 and a new calendar, called the Gregorian Calendar was introduced. 

The Gregorian Calendar year differs from the solar year by only 26 seconds. This only adds  one day's difference every 3,323 years. The Gregorian Calendar is the most widely used calendar in the world today.

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